Successful kick-off meeting of the "Center for Health and Medical Prevention" (CHaMP)

11.07.2022 -  

On July 11, the recently founded research center "Center for Health and Medical Prevention" (CHaMP) hosted a kick-off evening at the Festung Mark. The members of the CHaMP as well as other scientists of all career levels with an interest in the topic of interdisciplinary preventive medicine were invited.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Strackeljan, Rector of the OVGU, first welcomed the approximately 70 guests who had accepted the invitation. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Hoeschen, member of the directorate and speaker of the CHaMP, gave a short presentation reviewing the history of the CHaMP and introduced the most important goals. In an entertaining panel discussion moderated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Steinmann (Director of CHaMP), Prof. Strackeljan, Prof. Dr. phil. Susanne Peters (spokesperson of CHaMP), Prof. Hoeschen and Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Fischer (CHaMP founding member) then spoke about the objectives and future initiatives of CHaMP. To conclude the official part, Prof. Peters (Faculty of Human Sciences) and Prof. Hoeschen (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) presented an exemplary project in which the topic "Radioactive Emission" was used to show that interesting new research approaches can also result from the cooperation of disciplines that at first glance have few points of intersection.

Afterwards, there was time for exchanging ideas among the guests over bratwursts and drinks. Numerous interesting discussions also resulted from the overview posters that many of the visitors had brought with them on their scientific topics related to preventive medicine.

If you missed the event and are interested in the topics of the CHaMP or would like to become a member of this new research center, please contact the directorate at at any time. We are also looking forward to further suggestions from our members and all interested parties of the OVGU on this way, e.g. on CHaMP-relevant projects!

Picture: Prof. Jens Strackeljan, Prof. Susanne Peters, Prof. Christoph Hoeschen, Prof. Thomas Fischer and Prof. Ulrike Steinbach during the panel discussion (Photo: private)

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